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Dokkun Massage

Thai massage in Glostrup near Copenhagen

We are trained and certified to provide traditional Thai massage.

Thai massage in Glostrup near Copenhagen


New! Now we have both spa and sauna.


Dokkun is a Thai flower reminiscent of golden rain, and tradition says that dokkun brings happiness and luck.

We are trained / certified in providing traditional Thai massage.

Thai massage is a form of massage that has become incredibly popular as more and more people have experienced it while visiting Thailand.

However, you do not have to go to Thailand to experience the fine wellness that Thai massage brings.

We welcome to everyone - women and men, young and old.

Call and book an appointment for a pleasant Thai massage.

On this page you can find information about Thai massage, its history and pictures from the clinic.

You can also download a driving guide so you can find us more easily.

We look forward to welcoming you on Sydvestvej in Glostrup.

You will find us in Glostrup near Albertslund just outside Copenhagen


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